What is your hometown?
Amory, MS
Why did you choose Mississippi State? Why did you choose INDT?
I chose Mississippi State for a few different reasons: 1) I grew up a MSU fan and always wanted to come here to be a Bulldog, 2) Mississippi State has always felt like a home, 3) I originally wanted to be an mechanical engineer and come to the best engineering school in the state.
I chose Industrial Tech because it’s more hands on and more practical than engineering. The classes I take directly help me in the workplace. I also needed a program that would allow me time at home to spend with my daughter but finish with a good degree.
What was your favorite class/memory/moment while earning your degree in INDT/MST?
My favorite class would probably be Industrial Control Systems; we spent the whole summer wiring up trainers and getting to troubleshoot them. I learned the most in that class by actually putting my hands on the trainer and wiring it up.
What is one piece of advice you would pass on to new INDT/MST students about the programs or about college in general?
One piece of advice I’d offer is not to be afraid to get involved. Our school/program is filled with a lot of easy-going students and teachers that will help you with anything if you give them the chance.
What advice would you give students as they enter the program?
Advice I would give is try to find some good internships or a good co-op. I co-op'ed and interned and learned a lot about the real world and how I would use this degree in the future. I met some really great people and they turned into friends. You can never have too many friends in the workforce that will give you a good reference.
What are some of your hobbies/interests?
My hobbies include hunting, fishing, and any other outdoor activities. I enjoy tinkering on my old vehicles and doing handyman jobs around the house. My weekends also include college baseball and football and spending time with my little girl.