Ed.S. in Technology

The Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) degree is a 31-semester-hour program that is an addition to a master’s degree. The coursework focuses on instructional technology with opportunities to pursue courses in other fields and disciplines, allowing you to tailor your studies to your unique career goals.

Career opportunities include, but are not limited to, instructional designer, technology planner and facilitator, technology consultant, community college or university instructor, and educator with AAA license and supplemental endorsements.

The Ed.S. degree is for you if you would enjoy…

  • exploring new technologies
  • infusing technology into teaching and learning
  • creating technology solutions for industry, higher education, or preK-12 education
  • creating multimedia projects using advanced technologies
  • consulting on technology projects
  • pursuing an AAA teaching license (optional)
  • adding supplemental endorsements to an existing teaching license, such as …


Non-Thesis Option Curriculum

Thesis Option Curriculum